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Ambiversion 29th February, 2008

Posted by Scotty in Me.

Ink-Blot Psychology TestDo you think I’m an Extrovert or an Introvert?? This question has bugged me for a while, because I can never seem to fit into either category. When asked, I describe myself as an Etroverted Introvert! This morning I decided to do some research on line and discovered that there is actually a term for people like me. I would usually wait and put this at the bottom of the blog but if I put it here then you can get the punchline without necessarily having to read through the full blog:

Ambiversion is a term used to describe people who fall more or less directly in the middle and exhibit tendencies of both groups. An ambivert is normally comfortable with groups and enjoys social interaction, but also relishes time alone and away from the crowd.

Why should I care? Well, I see a huge benefit in understanding our own personalities. One thing that marks maturity is us learning ourselves, so that we can operate most effectively. Over the years I have had to take a large number of personality tests which all tend to say similar things, with the exception of this one continuum.

I’ve got some definitions of Extrovert and Introvert below and as you read through think about two things. What am I like when I’m with people? and What am I like when I’m alone?

Extraversion is “the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self“. Extraverts tend to enjoy human interactions and to be enthusiastic, talkative, assertive, and gregarious. They take pleasure in activities that involve large social gatherings, such as parties, community activities, public demonstrations, and business or political groups. Acting, teaching, directing, managing, brokering are fields that favor extraversion. An extraverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. They enjoy risk-taking and often show leadership abilities.

An extravert is energized when around other people. Extraverts tend to “fade” when alone and can easily become bored without other people around. Extraverts tend to think as they speak. When given the chance, an extravert will talk with someone else rather than sit alone and think.

Crowd Surfer - High Energy!So, how do I fare in this category? I am outward focused and get a lot of pleasure from external, sensory events. I thoroughly enjoy human interaction, and yeh, I can be enthusiastic, talkative, assertive… Teaching, managing, directing are things that I have a natural bent towards. I am a huge risk-taker, and I have no doubt that God has molded me for leadership. I am energized by people! BUT I’m not a huge fan of large social gatherings… parties and the like intimidate me. I don’t agree that there is no reward in time alone… I tend to “fade” when I’ve been around people because I find it pretty draining. When it comes to me and God, I often daydream of running off to a monastery and living in solitude reading Scripture and spending day on end in prayer… not the most extrovert fantasy.

Introversion is “the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one’s own mental life“. Introverts tend to be quiet, low-key, deliberate, and relatively non-engaged in social situations. They take pleasure in solitary activities such as reading, writing, drawing, watching movies, listening to music, inventing, designing, programming and using computers extensively. The archetypal artist, writer, sculptor, composer and inventor are all highly introverted. An introverted person is likely to enjoy time spent alone and find less reward in time spent with large groups of people (although they tend to enjoy interactions with close friends, and are in many cases married). They prefer to concentrate on a single activity at a time and like to observe situations before they participate.

An introvert is energized when alone. Introverts tend to “fade” when with people and can easily become overstimulated with too many others around. Introverts tend to think before speaking.

Alone in a CrowdWhat about this catergory? Well, I’m definitely a thinker, there’s no doubt about that. I am deliberate and ‘serious’ and do have my low-key days. I absolutely cherish the time I get to spend in solitary activity, so reading, writing, drawing, watching movies, listening to music, playing music too. In my faith, I could spend hours alone in prayer, reading and meditating on Scripture, worshipping at the piano or on guitar, and reading biographies of the great men of faith. Time alone is precious and I often choose that over being in large groups. When I’m at home and there’s a party, I often duck out and head upstairs to my room for some alone time. I love watching and often in new situations I will observe what’s going on, learn how things work and then jump in feet first. I recharge alone because people are draining. I usually think before I speak. BUT I’m not non-engaged in social situations. Too much alone time and I start itching to be around people. The work fields suggested do not sound great to me at all. When I’m comfortable with people or situations I am very energetic. I’m not necessarily energised alone as much as I recharge alone. And I don’t know if I’ve ever been overstimulated with too many others around.

So I’m both… or neither! And today I discovered I am an ambivert! To repeat the definition…

Ambiversion is a term used to describe people who fall more or less directly in the middle and exhibit tendencies of both groups. An ambivert is normally comfortable with groups and enjoys social interaction, but also relishes time alone and away from the crowd.

When I take quantifiable personality tests I usually come out 50/50. On the Myres Briggs I usually test ESTJ … E being Extrovert (kinda depends on how much time I’ve had with people before taking it!Ā  If I’ve been around people a lot I test ISTJ) This semester I was asked to take one that scored each personality trait, and it scored me as E because I’m on a continuum from -100 to 100 I scored 1… which means I’m barely an extrovert!

Extroverts are outward focused, and exert energy outwardly, which is definitely true of me! But that is so draining for me that if I don’t have an equal amount of time with people and time with God, I burn out. People often worry that I’ll burn out because I’m always really busy. I’m constantly on the go, but as I think over my busy schedule… I see that when I have lots of people time in my week, I squeeze in an equal amount of alone time… and so although it’s busy, it’s balanced and so I manage to work well coping with a high capacity lifestyle. I really enjoy being busy.

People who know me well know that I process A LOT! I find that I can be stuck for words when a professor asks me a question in class because I hear what he says and my mind races ahead applying the new knowledge to various facets of life and ministry. If they ask me a question that is several steps back in my thought process, I’m lucky if I even hear the question, let alone answer it.

Anyway… what was the point in writing all this? Partly it was so that the people who are keeping up with me get to learn some more about me (Extrovert) and partly it’s just my way of processing through some of what I’m learning about myself so that I know more about how I operate (Introvert). I enjoy thinking that by laying out my thought processes, other people can read and identify with what I say, and learn something about themselves, or be challenged to explore more of who they are (Ambivert).

So there you have it. Extrovert? Introvert? I’m an AMBIVERT.


1. ken - 3rd March, 2008

Scotty, have you read “the forgotten ways” by Alan Hirsch yet? I think you would love it.

2. Mon - 4th March, 2008

Oh you Ambivert you! šŸ˜‰ Lol, glad you’ve pegged yourself…it’s about time. :p

3. Sovann - 7th March, 2008

Wow, I finally understand why I’m often confused about myself – Ambiversion! “Hi, I’m Sovann; I’m an Ambivert.”

I bounce between ENTP and INTP, depending on stress or context.

Cool post. Thanks.

4. Benny - 28th March, 2008

I think I might be in the middle of and ambivert and an extraverted intravert.

5. Eric B - 24th February, 2009

There are several different reasons for this. There are five temperaments (The original ancient four: Sanguine, Melancholy, Choleric and Phlegmatic, plus a new one called Supine). The temperament matrix this is based on is introversion vs extroversion, along with people vs task. I/E is actually how we EXPRESS, while people/task is how we RESPOND or WANT from people, and can be considered in terms of I/E as well. In fact, expression is what we SAY we want, and response is what we REALLY want! People focus responds as an extrovert, and Task focus responds as an introvert. The fifth temperament was derived, because Phlegmatic had previously been considered as the people-focused introvert, or “introverted extrovert”, but using the FIRO-B version of the matrix was determined to be MODERATE in both scales. So there’s your true “ambivert”. Supine is the true introverted extrovert, who was missed all those centuries because of his looking like an introvert, though he really wanted people inside. Nobody would ever know, unless they happened to approach him first.
So you have introverted introvert (Melancholy), introverted extrovert (Supine), extroverted extrovert (Sanguine), extroverted introvert (Choleric), ambiverted ambivert (Phlegmatic). There is also ambiversion (Phlegmatic) blended with the other factors. You can express as an extrovert and respond as an ambivert, etc. as well.
That would explain your behavior. You sound Choleric, who expresses to people a lot, but only responds very little. So after approaching people for whatever goal, you’ll like your time alone. And then, you mention ESTJ, which is a Choleric-Melancholy blend.
–which brings up another way introversion and exreoversion can be mixed. There is more than one “area” of temperament need, hence, how they can be blended. The 16 types of the MBTI appear to correspond to two of FIRO’s three areas; social skills and leadership skills. The latter would be the familiar Keirseyan groupings: SJ, SP, NT, NF. There is another set of temperaments mapped to it, called the Interaction Styles. So ESTJ is Choleric (EST) + Melancholy (SJ). Hence, another combination of an extrovert with an introvert. This is one a lot of people don’t realize. Like all the ISFP’s who wonder why they have this strong extroverted streak. It’s the SP, which is Sanguine, and very expressive!

6. nicole - 6th July, 2010

Hi, Iā€™m nicole; Iā€™m an Ambivert.ā€

7. jon osbourne - 8th November, 2010

hey guys how are you doing ?

Scotty - 9th November, 2010

Hey Jon, we’re doing great. Settling in alright… just trying to get all the practical things worked out… bank accounts, accommodation, schedule, all those fun things. How are you?

8. Anna - 8th January, 2011

Wow I’m so glad I finally found out who I am! Everyone at my school whom I know very well thinks I’m an extrovert but I know that I don’t fit an extrovert exactly, or an introvert exactly. So now that I’ve read this, I know for sure that I’m an ambivert!

9. Dean - 13th August, 2011

I think you nailed it on the head when you said I see a huge benefit in understanding our own personalities. I never knew the term ambiversion existed either until I typed in extroversion / introversion but I fit into the introverted category at present. Wish me luck in my journey towards further self awareness.

10. PennyMoney - 4th January, 2012

Wow…I feel like just read my mind. So very interesting.

11. atyanna - 8th March, 2012

YES!!!! Feels so good to find a definition for what I am! I’m an ambivert, and proud to be one! Thanks for posting this (: you can be certain that it’s appreciated simply because your readers will have at least part of the introvert personality in their make up!

12. Haimie!! - 24th May, 2013

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! šŸ˜€ Finally! I have answers! And, you know what, I like how you have fused what uv diiscovered about u with your faith šŸ™‚ I’m christian too, and now I know I’m not weird! šŸ™‚

13. Introverts, Extroverts, and Clay | The Rambling Bibliophile - 14th September, 2013

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